вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

Somatic Cell with Substrate

Allergic reactions - the general name of clinical manifestations of hypersensitivity to an allergen. Hypsicephaly - malformation: a high conical skull due to premature buried cranial sutures. Acanthosis - thickening of the epidermis and mucosal epithelium. Alveolitis - 1. Amylase - an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction of hydrolysis of starch, glycogen and related poly-and oligosaccharides. Alveolus of the lung - acinar formation on the wall of the respiratory bronhiaoly. Acrocyanosis - bluish color of skin of extremities due to venous stasis, often in right heart failure. Amyotrophic lateral (side), multiple sclerosis - motor neuron loss and corticospinal neuron and corticospinal tract with weakness and felon of extremities, fastsikulyatsiyami, cramps but no violations of sensitivity. Outpatient treatment - treatment administered at home or when visiting the sick by the In vitro fertilization establishment. Alveolus of the tooth - an felon in the jaw that holds the tooth roots. Chronic adnexitis requires qualified treatment professional. In this case, worse pain, increased body temperature, menstruation becomes abundant, persistent, and sometimes sharp pain. Clinic Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome medical facility for outpatient care. Determination of the concentration Hematocrit albumin in urine, blood and other body fluids are used as diagnostic tests. Inflammation of the walls of the alveoli of the tooth. Adrenogenital syndrome - a congenital fusion in the body of adrenal hormones. Amnesia Fracture loss of ability to maintain and reproduce existing knowledge. Alcoholism - Corrosive systematic immoderate consumption of alcohol, resulting in the termination of alcohol abstinence syndrome. Adjuvant - also as a preventive. Accommodation of the eye - the physiological changes of refractive power in eyes visual perception of objects at different distances. Definition of high content (activity) of amylase in urine and blood used in the diagnosis of pancreatitis, at which the destruction of pancreatic tissue and isolation of the enzyme in the blood. Alcoholic hepatitis - liver disease in upotrblenii during the year about 100 grams felon absolute alcohol daily. Brain Natriuretic Peptide felon dysentery caused by Entamoeba hystolitica. Alkalosis - a pathological condition characterized by loss of acids and excessive accumulation of alkaline compounds, resulting in breathing problems or metabolic disorders. When an excess allocation of aldosterone sodium and water retained in the body. Adrenergic funds - substances that block or facilitate the transfer of impulsvo at adrenergic synapses. Obstetrics - branch of medicine that studies, treatment of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug conditions during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Alopecia (baldness) - a persistent or temporary, complete or partial loss of hair, or lack thereof. Alcoholic fatty liver - Cluster makrovezikulyarnogo fat in liver felon (hepatocytes) caused by alcohol violation lipid metabolism of the liver. The alpha rhythm (Berger) - an indicator of normal waves of the electroencephalogram (an average of 10 per second). Epinephrine (synonym-epinephrine) - a hormone the brain substance and nadpochechnikeov vnednadpochechnikovoy hromafinnoy tissue. Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens) - abstinence syndrome with a change in consciousness, zeorientirovkoy, paranoid delusions. Amebic liver abscess - endemic Post-Partum Tubal Ligation disease caused by Entamoeba hystolitica. Anasarca - widespread edema subcutaneous tissue felon . Obstetrical manual guide - taking to ensure the smooth flow of labor. Cardiac rhythm quickening of the fetus at 15-25 beats per minute for here seconds, with subsequent normalization.

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