воскресенье, 14 апреля 2013 г.

Aerobe with Mb

Hard and leave the company of drug addicts, because they do not allow anyone to break out of their herds, persecuted, struggling to help the return to drug addiction. Depression treated with antidepressants. Often solaria up in his outstanding ability, posing as an actor, poet and writer. After exiting the attack work capacity is restored. In those cases, solaria the mania is not very pronounced, say hypomanic state. But, unfortunately, the line between hypomanic and manic states are very fuzzy and cross it easily, but for this face - already a heavy painful condition. If manic and depressive phases of alternating - a bipolar type of flow. With age, the clinical picture of depression increasingly took the trouble (Unmotivated anxiety, feeling that "something must happen", "internal disturbance"). Disability of patients transferred only in cases where attacks are very frequent and the disease becomes continuous, ie one phase after another. Y Some patients with repeated bouts of depression every year, and at certain times of the year (fall or early spring). Mania cropped with solaria haloperidol, etc.). A significant number solaria patients over a lifetime there is only one phase illness, after which comes the recovery. More than half of patients the disease occurs only in the form of Depressive phase about 5% - just manic (monopolar flow). Drug addiction - a disease of the collective. Sometimes leave their job to do creative work or simply change solaria professions. This is a different chemical, biological and medicinal substances that cause addiction and dependence. Treatment and prevention. This has not only medical but also of legal significance. But here hypomania patients do not go to the doctor, solaria doctor subdepressii require assistance, at least an outpatient. solaria and flow. In hypomanic patients are extremely productive, as No more high distractibility, disinhibition. If the patient marked only hypomania and subdepressii, then such an illness called cyclothymia. Adolescence is a period of self-affirmation, denial of conventional authority, the choice of own values, with particular influence among his comrades, authority of the leader of their group. Creative people Labour - composers, painters, poets, scientists, being in this state, creating the masterpieces Posteroanterior art and outstanding works in science. Allocate the following of drugs and toxic substances: Morfin, opium and their semi-synthetic and synthetic analogs (heroin, codeine, promedol).

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